Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Gah! I haven't posted in a week. I have a good excuse: I had to travel to work. Yeah, they didn't have the internet where I was. Umm. Really. There's no internet in Denver, didn't you know?
So, since anyone who was checking this with any regularity is probably gone, I can talk about anything without worry. Right?
As I think I said, I feel like I'm pretty late to the internet-as-community party. Never was much for the message boards. But now I'm finding myself commenting on some of my friends' blogs and stuff and sometimes my friends answer back. And I'm finding that I check for those replies OBSESSIVELY. I'm a frequent blog checker anyway (yeah, yeah RSS feeds, I know. But they take all the fun out of it), but the lure of seeing if anyone saw my funny rejoinder in the comments is irresistible. Dude. I really need to stop. I have frickin' work to do.
But it all goes back to that whole "Is there anybody in there?" feeling the internet gives me. Can't you hear the hollow knocking on your monitor? That's me. I know there are thousands of people out there that I know and could know, but don't know about yet. It's overwhelming knowing there's so much out there. The vastness gives me this weird kind of claustrophobia, the same feeling I get swimming in the deep end of a pool. There are too many angles of attack, too many places to watch. Still, I venture out, trying to make connections. More hollow knocking.
Don't think I've lost the irony that I'm talking about this on a blog. No, I got that part, too. If you know what I should do about it, speak up.

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